Well, today was a day of lots of testing. My CNM wanted me to do another fasting/2 hour glucose testing. So I did the first one this morning and then had to go back two hours after I ate. I then went to my normal OB appointment. Pete (my CNM) checked the heartbeat, as usual, and noticed there was an irregularity. It sounded sort of like a hiccup in the rhythm. So, he sent me over to the hospital to do a non stress stress (NST). For those of you who are not familiar with these, they sick monitors on your belly and have you lay there for 20 minutes. They also checked my fluid levels and also did an ultrasound to look at the heart. They came to the conclusion that it was probably what they call a PAC or premature atrial contraction. Basically the top half of the heart was beating prematurely therefore causing a skip. It is the most common cause of an irregular heart rhythm, usually does not cause any problems and goes away after one month of life if the problem is still persisting after they are born. So, they told me not to worry but to do kick counts three times a day (count the baby's kicks until I get to 10 kicks. If it takes more than an hour then call the doctor asap). I'm trying really hard not to worry about it but anything that has to do with the heart is a little scary. So, there is Landon's update. OH, and I'm still at a one....
1 month ago
It is very scary when it is the heart. But the technology the have to fix them is amazing. My little Chloe has a murrmur caused by 2 holes in her heart.
One of my midwives told me that dr's normally give you worst case scenarios just to prepare you, but 9 times out of 10, it's nothing (and I'm STILL wondering why they do this to pregnant moms who worry about everything ANYWAY)! I'm praying for you and the little one! Keep smiling and I'm sure everything will be ok....more than ok....it'll be GREAT!
Yikes! Crossing my fingers for you! Good luck with it all.
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