Today was Dayv's 29th birthday (old fart!). We celebrated it very traditionally with presents, one of his favorite meals for dinner and then cake and ice cream afterward. The kids were very excited all day to give him his presents and sing Happy Birthday. The kids got him one of his favorite candy bars and a card game and I got him Munchkin. I hope he enjoyed his day!
I guess I should probably include an update since it's been so long since my last post. I honestly just haven't felt up to it. I'm getting more and more tired as each day passes and brings me that much closer to the 21st of March. My last prenatal appointment didn't give me much hope for a non-pitocin baby but I'm still hoping. He told me I was almost 1cm dilated (oh yay - with MUCH sarcasm in my voice) and he is waaaaay up there. I guess he still can't come until I'm done with his, Noah, and Carson's room. Just about there....although I'm just about out of motivation for that too. **WARNING** I'm really ornery too. I've had several people ask if I was upset at them for something. So, if you are thinking the same thing please just excuse it as I'm VERY pregnant and therefore VERY ornery and don't hate me. Thanks!
Hang in there and let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
A lot can change in even just a few days, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! By the way, cute cake!
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